Turn Undecided






AIPrice analyzes visitors’ behavior and shows them a customized offer based on their buying interest. No technical knowledge is required.

AI Price detects uncertain and price sensitive users and triggers them with a special offer to close the deal.

Why AI Price?



Just drop a line of code to yout site



Actually working, not a hype



Increases your revenue for real



45-day free trial to see the result

Works Anywhere

Unlike other complex solutions, AI Price doesn’t need a special access to your financial data. It’s platform independent and rely on a one lightweigt script that works wherever custom JS scripts work.

Get Control

Choose to be more adventurous with your offers or more conservative. Manage the rate of showing discounts. Choose promotion types, colors, etc. 

Right Offer for Right User

We show offers only to the right customer, not to everyone looking for a discount. This way, your offers stay exclusive and reach the people who will value them the most.

“Pricing is one of the most neglected areas in entrepreneurship today... It's hard work, it requires deep thought, creativity, and intuition”

Tomasz Tunguz

Tomasz Tunguz

Partner at Redpoint Ventures and author of Winning with Data

Affordable Pricing for Everyone

AI-optimized pricing is a proven efficient way to increase conversion rate, but it is complex and costly. We make it simple and affordable for everyone.


If you just started a business



Small Business

For startups and small businesses



Mature Business

For medium businesses in growth stage



Send a meessage for help

Have a question or need a custom plan for your enterprise?


How long does it take to see the result?

Our model needs some time to understand your site and visitors but typically it takes around 15 days to see the result. Over time, our model tries to optimize its offers and increase conversion rate. You can utilize free trial during this time.

How many websites can I have with one account?

You can create unlimited websites with one account, but each website needs to be paid separately. 

Do you need to access my Stripe account?

No, we do not request to access financial data. You just need to enter some data about the site, and we do the rest. 

How many websites can I have with one account?

You can create unlimited websites with one account, but each website needs to be paid separately. 

What payment methods do you support?

We accept credit cards (via PayPal) and PayPal. You can also pay with several known crypto currencies including but not limited to Bitcoin, Ethereum, and USDT. You need to contact us for this kind of payment.

Do you support multi-language websites?

Our panel allows you to customize messages for each site. It is also possible to create different script code for each language. This way, you get full control over each language.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes, you can easily cancel the subscription at any time. You will still have access to the service until the end of your billing period.

45-Day Free Trial

Get 5x more than what you should pay or cancel the subscription!

AIPrice, is now part of Microsoft for Startups program

AI  Price, is now on Product Hunt! Please support us there!